Today I finally made it official. I have had this race on my radar and training for this one since Racine. I had kept coming up with excuses to not…Read more
Thursday Medium Length Run, Dr. Maffetone Method MAF Test Trial #1
Last night I had the worse sleep ever. I could not fall asleep despite being incredibly tired. My allergies have flared up something fierce since the rain we got the…Read more
Monday and Wednesday Swim Workouts
Monday I never got around to recording my swim workout. The last few weeks I have been working on endurance/aerobic swim workouts with lots of long sets. Monday I decided…Read more
Bike Ride Adventure(Nightmare) – Folks, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!
Here is the documented story of my should have been 3-3.5 hour ride that ended up lasting 5.5 hours. This is something that just can’t be made up. Prequel: 6B46…Read more
Friday Morning Aerobic Endurance Workout
This is one of the last few mornings I have left before school starts that will allow me to get some big swims in the pool. My training has me…Read more
Late night training and early morning run
Yesterday I had a 40 mile bike ride planned. I had hopes of getting it done in the afternoon while Ava was asleep and then painting the living room. Well,…Read more
Tired Wednesday Morning Swim
I woke up super tired today. I think the combination of late night Olympic watching, back to teaching and the workload of my training are coming together. This week I…Read more
Swim, Bike, Run, Recovery, and Nutrition
Wow! I don’t remember being this sore and having so much pain ever after any race except the marathon last year. The Bix 7 kicked my butt. I had plans…Read more
Bix 7 Results, What I Learned, Where I Am Going
Not sure where to start. Perhaps I will start by talking about how super sore my legs are right now. My calves down to my ankles are killing me today….Read more
Biggest Swim Workout To Date – 4500 yards
This was the most I have ever spent in a pool. This was a lot of swimming. I started around 6 am to allow myself to sleep in bit. This…Read more