This morning I set out to finalize and test a dazzling idea for my classroom this fall. After reading Teach Like A Pirate by Dave Burgess and talking with @Jepsen on…Read more
#coffechugPLN Twitter Chat #5: Multipliers and how to lead
When: Every Tuesday Time: 8:00 pm central time Hashtag: #coffeechugPLN After a brier hiatus from running the #coffeechugPLN chats, it has now returned. Please come join us for a great hour…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat Archive: Positive Reinforcement
What an AWESOME chat last night! I could not believe how rapid fire the ideas and tweets were coming in last night. It was so much fun hearing from everyone….Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat Archive on Mindset Part 2
A few days behind due to a crazy schedule this week, but here is a link to the archive of our #coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat from Tuesday. The chat was another…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat: Mindset Discussion #2
When? Tuesday, May 7th Time? 8:00 pm central time Hashtag? #coffeechugPLN Chat #3: Mindset Chat #2 based on research of Carol Dweck. We will be diving back into the topic…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat 4.30.13 Mindset Part 1 Archive
Wow! Last night we had a great chat. As I continue to explore Twitter and run chats(this was my second one) I am loving my PLN more and more. Much…Read more
Coffeechug Twitter Task 11: Making Use of Twitter Lists #coffeechugPLN
Another popular question asked from our first #coffeechugPLN chat was How do I make and use lists? Let us start with defining and explaining what a Twitter List is and…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 10: Twitter Abbreviations and Twittonary Tool
What do all the abbreviations mean? This was one of the many great questions from our first Twitter chat on Tuesday night. I am going to do my best to…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat Archive and Reflection
Thank you to everyone who attended our first ever #coffeechugPLN chat last night. The goal was to help teachers new to Twitter get a sense of a chat and learn…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 9: Task 9: Final Thoughts and Reflections
Here is the link to all previous tasks(or just check the sidebar) This last task is really a reflective process. It is designed to help you think back to where…Read more