The second open lab of Young Engineers of Today has wrapped up. In case you don’t remember we run an open lab every two weeks for two hours to help…Read more
#YEOT Open Lab 1: Solder Skill and Solder Project
Young Engineers Week 2 Open Lab #1 The main goal of tonight was to get to know the kids who signed up for YEOT and to develop their first skill:…Read more
#YEOT – Soldering Project 1: Adjustable Power Supply

In our YEOT (Young Engineers of Today) program that we are running we are teaching students the basics of soldering(videos and tips coming soon). Once we have them exposed to…Read more
Young Engineers of Today: Information Slides
Here are the slides shared out to parents and students about YEOT that I will be starting up in Iowa this fall. Young Engineers of Today Information Meeting for Iowa…Read more
Young Engineers of Today Iowa
Introduction: Welcome to the real world of 21st century skills. Discover how Young Engineers of Today can help students of all abilities engage in STEM, using the latest technologies. Students…Read more