#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat #6 Archive: Failure & an experiment in Twitter chats

Tuesday night we ran the sixth twitter chat for the #coffeechugPLN chat. This week the topic was

 “What if we could use failure to help you succeed?”

I decided to live by the question and to mix things up. I came into the chat with zero questions. We left the Q/A format and instead tried to develop a conversation.

I thought the chat format worked well. I was nervous because I do like to plan and prepare for the chats ahead of time and have questions and links ready to go. At first it was a bit slow, but really picked up.

The other benefit was that the numbers were low so we actually had a conversation. Ideally, I would want the numbers for the chat to increase back to where they were before I took a break, but I know that in due time it will happen. You have to deliver content and material that people want to absorb.

This summer has been all about experimentation and testing myself outside of my comfort zone. This Twitter chat experiment was one more to add to my summer PD. It was fun and exciting and not knowing how the conversation would unfold was good for me.

I look forward to doing this style of Twitter chat again. As I move forward I am looking at changing the day of the Twitter chat. The #tlap chat is bringing in everyone on Tuesdays as well as several other high quality ones. I need to move nights. Additionally, my kids are starting to get more involved in activities and Tuesday nights are just not as open as they once were. I will be moving the day of the chat and once I have it figured out I will update everyone.

In the meantime, I challenge you all to continue to challenge your comfort zone and push yourself a little bit. Don’t be afraid. You never know what great things could happen if you don’t try.

Here is the link to the archive. Read from the bottom – up.


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