Geeking PD: 3 Video Tutorial Updates

Google Classroom

This video will cover the first four items on the checklist to help you get everything setup for your Classroom. Even if you know how to do some of this work, this video might still be of use as I cover creating Groups.

As always, let me know what you learned from this video. This helps me understand where people are connecting with the content.

I am making this a 1 point assignment where I will give you a point if you leave me a private comment sharing what you learned.


Google Chrome

In the video posted yesterday, we talked about cleaning up extensions and your browser performance. While the tips are quick and easy I wanted to share this extension that I have had installed the longest of any extension called Extensity.

Learn about this tool and how it can make your life easier.



This episode will focus on creating your first Grid and some important features to be aware of as we create your grid.

Access the Flipgrid channel here

This series will focus on Flipgrid and why it is such a wonderful tool to use.


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