Getting It Done – Countdown to Marathon – 5 Days and Counting…..Finish Strong

Source: via Aaron on Pinterest

“Finish Strong powerfully says that how you start doesn’t determine the outcome. It’s how you finish that matters.”

The phrase above is from the latest newsletter I received from Jon Gordon. In the newsletter he applies this thought to business and being successful with a company. I read that phrase and felt a connection to my goal of a marathon.

One of the things that I have to force myself to do is to start slow so I can finish strong. I know when I get to that race line I am going to be nervous and full of adrenaline. I have to remember that this is a long race(four hours is my intended time) and therefore going out too fast will only lead to results that I won’t like.

There is a huge unknown factor in this race. I have never ran more than 20. It will be key to listen to my body. I need to get to that 13 mile mark feeling fresh so I can Finish Strong.

As I reflected about my mental approach to running this weekend during my long I must remember to keep my energy, intentions, and enthusiasm at a high level throughout the run. If I embrace the moment, then there is no reason for me to not finish strong.

Jon Gordon talks about people losing their mojo when they need it most. I will need my mojo the most at that mile 20 mark as the final six miles will be a journey that I have never ventured to before. It is unknown territory. The final 50-60 minutes will be a test to my body that it has never experienced. I will have to turn my mind into a Jedi and be one with the force. I will dig deep to continue to push my body to a new threshold never encountered before.
I will be crossing that finish line Finishing Strong and not just limping/walking my way through. I will cross a champion and goal breaker. I will be GETTING IT DONE!


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