LEGO Ornament Challenge – Day 18 Submissions and Mitten Challenge

I am on the road early this morning so I do not have time to capture and collage all the build submissions this morning. However, please know I see them and there are some great ones to share.

I will combine all submissions from yesterday and today into one big collection for tomorrow.

Apologies if you submitted yesterday and wait one day to see them go live. It is a crazy day.

Onwards to the challenge today.

The build challenge for today is to design a pair of mittens(or just one).  A simple, but challenging design.

Just a reminder that if you are new to all of this to start here on the home page, then learn about the Build To Give Campaign, and read through the FAQ which will answer most of your questions.


To learn more about the challenge head here

I also created a new FAQ page based on all the questions I receive

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