LEGO Ornament Challenge – Day 19 Submissions and Penguin Challenge

Whew! I could not post one day and boy did the ornaments pile up! What an amazing start to my day curating so many ornament submissions. I had to drink two cups of coffee to get through them all. This is so sweet!

Yesterday the challenge was to make some mittens. Today we move onwards to build ourselves some penguins

If you have not checked out all the amazing ornaments on the sites be sure to do so as there are some wonderful builds!

And don’t forget to check the Flipgrid as we now have 67 videos!

Just a reminder that if you are new to all of this to start here on the home page, then learn about the Build To Give Campaign, and read through the FAQ which will answer most of your questions.

Now for our results from yesterday and the day before.

We had 72 new builds submitted yesterday.

We now have 503 submissions to date.

Here are the latest submissions


To learn more about the challenge head here

I also created a new FAQ page based on all the questions I receive

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