LEGO Ornament Challenge – Day 20 Submissions and Favorite Holiday Character Challenge

Well, well, well, I am not going to lie this has been a long week. And what I needed most was the creative inspiration of all of you. I was blown away by the incredible builds submitted yesterday. And not only the quality, but the quantity. What a wonderful morning to see so many submissions.

And penguin has by far been the most popular in terms of one day submissions.

Yesterday the challenge was to make some penguins and you have to see these creations!. Today we move onwards to build ourselves our favorite holiday character

If you have not checked out all the amazing ornaments on the sites be sure to do so as there are some wonderful builds!

And don’t forget to check the Flipgrid as we now have 80 videos!

Just a reminder that if you are new to all of this to start here on the home page, then learn about the Build To Give Campaign, and read through the FAQ which will answer most of your questions.

Now for our results from yesterday and the day before.

We had 73 new builds submitted yesterday.

We now have 576 submissions to date.

Here are the latest submissions

To learn more about the challenge head here

I also created a new FAQ page based on all the questions I receive

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