Managing Virtual/Blended Online Playlist of Learning

In the state of Iowa we have been working like crazy just like everyone else to figure out what will be the best approach to learning and teaching as we head back to classrooms virtually, hybrid, or F2F. While there are no perfect answers or solutions, educators in all capacities have worked tirelessly to try and figure out how to handle the day to day operations.

The organization that I work, Mississippi Bend AEA, has spent time creating learning opportunities for districts to help figure out how to organize, teach, sanitize, and basically meet the needs of everyone involved. While there is so much to process the learning we have put together is a start to something great for those who need it.

Today I wanted to share the module that I develop on how to manage virtual/blended online learning. I took the approach to give some thinking points for educators as we try to reorient our brains about how education looks and operates. Through my own learning and research I was constantly challenged in my thoughts on the approach to teaching through these shifts in delivery.

It is easy to focus strictly on content and standards. It is imperative that we spend time building relations first. And then we must help develop the skills to be autonomous learners. Many of us(adults and kids) are now being asked to figure things out on our own.

I hope this learning module will help us think about our remote learning spaces, how we develop a mindset of caring, think about how to develop schedules now that we don’t have a bell dictating our movement patterns, establishing coherence, and more.

Check it out here –

What I love from you is to take some time to either share your approaches, ideas, resources to any of these topics. I have created a Google Group for conversation and I developed a Flipgrid Group for us to give virtual tours or to speak on these ideas. As people share ideas and resources I will add them to the Wakelet collections(Learning Space  and Schedule) as well.

I look forward to a crowdsourcing of powerful ideas no matter where you are from or what role you play in education. Come join the conversation!


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