Minecraft Pi: Teaching Python for Real World Application

This is a crosspost from my non-profit, 212 STEAM Labs

Rationale: Why Python?
Python programming is a great beginner language to learn how to code and program. Not only is it easy to learn and grasp, but in the case of the Raspberry Pi we can teach kids how to code using Minecraft. We all know how much kids enjoy Minecraft. We are able to intertwine something kids are familiar with(Minecraft) and merge it with a coding language that could be brand new for them.
Python is easy to read. Python is easy to use. Python is easy to learn. There are so many resources online to find how to do anything your heart desires. The language flows very smooth and is not as difficult as some other languages when starting out. We can write shorter programs to do powerful work compared to other languages.
In Demand Language
The latest research shows that Python is the second most in demand programming languages of 2018. We are not just coding for the sake of coding. We are teaching coding that is being used in the workforce so we are developing the next wave of programmers.
Why learn to code?
  1. It is still a high demand job skill in the marketplace. I understand all the worries that this won’t always be the case, but as of now it is a very favorable skill depending on what job sector you are seeking.
  2. It can be a wonderful hobby that could lead to extra income. If you learn how to code, then you can create anything you want when it comes to computers, apps, and the internet. This can be exciting as a hobby to be an artist of a language to create art. Additionally, sometimes this hobby can lead to side gigs, freelance gigs, and an extra dose of income which I am sure we could all use from time to time.
  3. Great resume builder. This is something I am working to enhance on my own resume. I want to move my coding skills to move beyond the “enough to be dangerous”. I want to really be able to do great work. Showcasing your work and art looks good on a resume.
  4. It is important to understand how. Technology is moving faster and faster. If nothing else, I always think it is important to understand how things work. Being a home owner I continue to learn more about wiring electricity, plumbing, and basic work in my house to help me save costs and push my own learning. Code is another element to our daily lives as more products are being intertwined into smart products. Sometimes you should just have a basic understanding just to be sure you stay competent.

Skill Development

When I teach this class to students in grades 3-8 it is designed to help students learn how to use the coding language, Python, to communicate to hardware(Raspberry Pi) and software(Minecraft, Scratch, etc.) to create scripts that change how things operate.

In order to make life easier for students a few key things are helpful to make sure students have the success they need.

1. Typing – we will be typing in lots of code. The more efficient a student is at typing the more productive they will be programming. If you are not a great typer typer, then don’t worry, but realize it will just take longer to get things done.

2. Attention to details – programming is all about communication. Certain commands require proper spelling and paying attention to detail like uppercase and lowercase. When we program it will be important to check your work and make sure you have not typed any mistakes. This is the greatest lesson in checking for “grammar”!

3. Patience – learning to program takes time. It is not an overnight success story. Be patient. Be thoughtful. Be focused. And most importantly, think through the commands so overtime you can begin to see how the Python language works.

4. Mindset – It is important that students feel empowered to believe they can do this work. They need constant nudging and encouragement. When the moment strikes when their code works it is amazing to watch them light up with pure joy! These are the moments we strive for as educators.

State Standards
In the state of Iowa, we have some promising changes coming in education in the field of computer science.
According to this report:
The goal of SF 274 is that by July 1, 2019, every elementary school will offer instruction in the fundamentals of computer science; every middle school will offer exploratory computer science; and every high school will offer at least one high-quality computer science course.
It is important we start to teach students and the community at large the foundations of computer science. Computer science is more than coding, but it does play an important role.
If you are interested in learning more about the computer science standards crafted by ISTE, then please check them out to gain a better understanding. Also, everything is based on the work created and developed by CSTA. Here are their standards and framework.
In my next post I will share everything we will be doing with tutorials and videos for our first class. I will continue to document and share the entire journey each week.

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