Air Guitar Video(it works!!!)

Speedgeeking with Coffeechug 4.0

Go here to download to access links

Thu, March 23 | 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM

Room: F150

Aaron Maurer | Instructional Coach | Bettendorf Middle School

This will be rapid fire session of technology tips, tricks and productivity tools that I use in my classroom and school to help make life easier for both myself as a teacher and for students. I will share out things I use in the classroom as well as at home and every space in between. These ideas will give you time to enjoy that cup of coffee and have fun at the same time! The key here is simplicity and productivity. Come ready to explore apps, hacks, tips, cheats, extensions, super nerdy little hidden gems, and more.

Makerspace Mindset and Culture

How do we infuse the maker mindset and culture into all aspects of school

[shareable cite=”A-A-Ron Maurer aka Coffeechug”]If makerspaces are so great, then why are they in isolation?[/shareable]

Session: Friday 10:30-12:20 | Workshop–BYOD

Fri, March 24 | 10:30 AM – 12:20 PM

Room: D130

Aaron Maurer | Instructional Coach | Bettendorf Middle School


Come ready to make things happen. In under two hours we will discuss 5 questions about makerspaces, dive into the importance of focusing on the culture of a makerspace and not the tools. Additionally, the audience will undergo a build, play, and share cycle through a hands on immersive challenge to experience the culture of learning. Audience will learn how to apply these ideas into any classroom and school to make it work in any setting.



Why Make? A video to kickstart you to create change in your classroom

Cheap and Easy Slime Recipe courtesy of my daughter Addyson

Contact Solution Slime Tutorial courtesy of my daughter Addyson

Awesome Ava and Dorky Dad Episode 1: Making Slime and Life Lessons

Awesome Ava and Dorky Dad Episode 2: Bristlebots 

Awesome Ava and Dorky Dad Episode 3: Duct Tape Pencil Pouch

PBL and Makerspace Examples and Resources

“Is it really the goal of schools to create college and career ready students?” 

Why is “innovation” crucial to education today? Or maybe it isn’t?


Blog Posts on PBL and PBL workshop materials

Project Based Learning: It’s More Than Projects! 

Don’t Build a Makerspace Until You Create a Culture of Learning

“Is it really the goal of schools to create college and career ready students?”

Group Work Is Hard

4 Questions for PLC’s or Groups of Educators 

Cubes of Compartmentalization 

How I Know Education Is Headed Down The Wrong Path

Because if we choose, then we are responsible, aren’t we? 

When developing a lesson plan or unit ask yourself 

What worked yesterday might not be right for today 

The Key To Teaching AND Keeping Your Teacher Sanity 

Technology is NOT an Education Revolution 

What are the shortcomings of project based learning?

Project Based Learning – Project Tuning Experience 

Project Based Learning: Why?