I have been documenting our quail every single day. I need to get everything up and running so people can see. That is my goal this weekend is to get all photos and videos up and running.
Yesterday(Halloween) marked the two week survival mark for our quail. Mr. Collett brought 4 quail over to my house last Friday to help my one quail learn to work with others. They have worked well together.
The quail have doubled in size and are learning to fly. Their wings are getting stronger. Therefore, I had to move to a bigger container as you will see in the video.
Yesterday I tested out a new app where I can record timelapse. So I recorded a day of the quail.
The video below is a montage of every picture taken from 6:30 in the morning until 4 pm. I set my iPhone up to take a picture every 15 seconds. You will see how active they are and how they work like a little family.
I hope you enjoy and I will be sharing much more soon.
Don’t forget to check out our wiki project page dealing with Bald Eagles and birds native to your areas. Please consider joining the classes already signed up. We are currently working to change the team topics to meet the needs of all schools so don’t hesitate and sign up today!
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