3 throughts on "Random Thoughts: Final Holiday Info(I promise)"

  1. So I push play on the vidio and sit through the intro music… not that bad not any different from what you play as an intro on any other vidios. The T.V. is on right next to me on Good Morning America. It really didn’t mean much too me until half way through the vidio when I relized that GMA was playing the exact same intro music on their show! I was like “NO WAY!” and yes that is how I spent my morning.

  2. My sister got the sea monkeys too for Christmas! They just hatched, and are very hard to see, but my sister and I have a fun time whatching them swim around when we can find them!

  3. My sister got the sea monkeys too for Christmas! They just hatched, and are very hard to see, but my sister and I have a fun time whatching them swim around when we can find them!

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