Remote Living, Learning, and Surviving: Crowdsource Ideas To Help One Another

If you are like me and my family, then I assume you have had those days where you have hit the wall. We feel trapped. We feel like we are not doing enough as a parent, spouse, worker, etc.

It is hard.

I know that there are 3,129,456,284,256 different resources and links to help us cope with these times, but even then these lists are overwhelming.

I see posts on social media of all these wonderful things we can create and do to help navigate this new frontier.

However, I wonder how much of it is practical and being used.

Last week and this week I feel like we have hit this point where life feels like a grind. I know it will improve, but it can be tough.

I created a space for real people to share real ideas that they are using. I want a crowdsource community feel of authentic voices.

I have created a Flipgrid(don’t worry if you don’t know what this is) that has several topics for us to share ideas, tips, and coping mechanisms.

Flipgrid is super friendly to use.

  1. Go to the link The link will take you to this page

2. On this page you can hit the big green + icon and introduce yourself if you wish.

3. Additionally, you see over on the right side of the screen where it says “6 Topics” and when you click that you will see the following menu

4. All you do now is simply choose the topic you want to contribute to, hit the green button, record yourself or the tool you want to share and others can see it!

Let’s support one another. Let us share our ideas of real people doing real things. We can do this! And we don’t have to do it alone!

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