Sea Turtle & Plastic Waste & Sustainable Development Goals

Back in November we launched a sustainable development goal project using the LAUNCH Framework of John Spencer and AJ Juliani with a project based learning approach to help classrooms around the world develop an understanding of the SDG and how our local decisions can have a global impact.

We had 89 global friends who strived to utilize the Sustainable Development Goals into their classrooms with students with a focus on plastic waste and helping our sea turtles and other animals survive.

I cannot tell you how proud I am of all the work that so many of you put into this project. We launched during a busy time of year for many and you found ways to make it work. Some of you had to deal with testing, loss of class periods, access to the internet, and many other factors  that prove just how challenging education can be sometimes. You prove how important you are to our students and the future of our world by making it happen.

In the end we had 89 classrooms involved. Some were just along for the ride, others were learning for the first time, and some of you tackled it all head on. Regardless of your position, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that sounds a bit cheesy, but I truly mean it. I created this project out of a passion and love. I believe project based learning when done right can be a way to transform the learning experience for students. When we help teachers with the tools and frameworks it can be successful. This was my attempt to combine the LAUNCH framework of John Spencer and AJ Juliani with project based learning to make it successful for teachers and students.

I hope that you felt successful.

As we wrap up this project I want to share a few things that I believe are important for future success.

Key ideas for the project

  • As of this writing we have 9 LAUNCH presentations for you to view. I know there will be more as some of you expressed needed more time so I will keep everyone updated as they arrive.
  • The videos of final presentations can be found here: I believe it is vital that you take time to watch these videos and to please have your students provide feedback of ideas, support, and praise. Please find a way to make it happen. For the students who put so much time in they deserve to hear from the rest involved. Don’t leave them hanging in silence
  • The project will stay active and open. The site is not going anywhere so if you are still working, then you have nothing to worry about. I would love it if you emailed me and let me know your plans so I can anticipate support for you.
  • Thank you to the classrooms that sent the sea turtle hospitals thank you cards and gifts. This is so wonderful. When I heard that a class did this, I knew we were in good hands with all of you.

As I look back at what we accomplished I am reminded that this type of learning and teaching works. We have so much pressure to create authentic learning experiences and time and and time again I come back to the SDG because they are real. They work. They are goals that people around the world are striving to reach. When I work with teachers I lead them to this direction because the problems are not fake, there are many others who are doing the work, and it helps bring a global perspective to the classsroom.

As we move forward, I am launching another project on waste management & landfills in a few months. I will post here on the site when it is live, but it is going to be so good with what we have developed so far.

Thank you for doing what you do each day with teachers and students. It is a thankless job that proves to be more important every single day. You are incredible.

Here is the link to the site that contains all lesson plans, steps, student work, and more

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