Here are the ways I use my cell phone on a daily basis. How do you use your cell phone in your classroom? Just want to make sure I don’t leave anything out!
1.I use the Class Dojo app to track behavior, participation, learning styles, basically anything I want as a teacher.
2. I use my camera to take pictures of my whiteboard for notes to be posted on Edmodo, my blog, students who were sick, or just to remember what I shared from class to class.
3. I use my camera to capture key learning moments for me to reflect on and remember key elements to my teaching
4. I use the Voice Recorder or any other audio app to record my voice. I don’t always have time to write down ideas so I will speak them instead and refer to them later when I have time to process.
5. I have used my phone and the multiple apps available for teaching purposes from triangulating rockets to a countdown timer, to recording Voicethread.
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