Welcome Friends From Around The World

I correspond with some many people on a daily basis either via Twitter, Facebook, this blog, my wiki, email, etc.

I am currently taking part in the Lunchbox Project and this project is opening my eyes to some great technological ways to communicate.

One of these is a blog service called Posterous. I love it.

I have created my own Posterous where I hope to have a place for all of us to share our ideas, culture, location, festival/holidays, language, jobs, etc.


check out the link. Leave a video of yourself, a picture of yourself or you location, a little post for the students to respond to or learn from.

You can always go to the international wiki www.coffeechug.wikispaces.com and leave your voice and all the other great things going on there as well.

I look forward to putting a face to all of you who I communicate and hopefully learn more about where we live.

Students this could be a great learning opportunity for you as well.

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