Book Review: I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder

I am back in my YA book reading mode. I had a bit of reading inspiration a few weeks ago, but it quickly diminished, but now with school around the corner I have found my interest back in the world of the printed word.

I decided to go ahead and read this. I have had this book checked out for a few weeks from the library and honestly cannot remember why I put this book on hold. This is not a typical Coffeechug book. A girl and boy are in love, but this high school relationship ends abruptly when the boy dies. I will not give away the reason why, but the novel is a free verse story of her life after his death. Being a free verse I read through it rather quickly. She has to deal with life without him, but the catch is that he is a ghost in her house. The novel is not scary, but she now has to learn to deal with never wanting to leave the house because she wants to be with him.

Overall, this is a love story of Ava and Jackson. I am not a fan of love stories, but for some reason I finished this story and was quite glad I read it. This girl is sad, has moments of depression where she won’t leave the house or go out with her friends, etc., but the novel had such a lighthearted, heartwarming feeling. The parents are not treated poorly for once and actually she is so glad to have parents who support her through this tough time. I cannot think of a YA novel where the parents are not seen as evil, abusive, or a flat character. She is smart as she knows she should go do things even though she does not always listen to her advice. This is just a honest story with a good theme of love, moving on, and dealing with our emotions.

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