How can educators AND students embrace the power of social media in the classroom?

I am honored that I was featured on the PITSCO Education blog:

Embrace social media in your classroom without fear! | Education Highlights

I don’t share this to pat myself on the back. Rather I share this to gain insights. How are you using social media in your classroom, in your makerspace, in your media center? Are you helping to teach and guide students how to make sense of all the tools and apps? Are you leading by example? Helping to model the way.

More importantly, I could not be more proud of the students who enter my space every single day at 7:00 am and stay late into the evenings. They choose the projects, they come up with the ideas, and together we make it all happen.

Once again I am reminded about the joys of teaching, but also am reminded about all the different facets of life that educators are now responsible for. It is a lot. But together we can make it happen.

It reminds me of not only the potential for greatness we can develop, but to do so in a way that we must realize that learning is far from perfect. If you check out my Facebook page for this site I just loaded up Teacher Truth #1: Fallacy of Perfectionism and I think we can connect many of the ideas expressed in this video to the power of makerspaces, learning, and quality learning opportunities for students.

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