Time To Recognize What Is Important

It has been a long time since I have gone this long without daily blog posts.

I am taking this month to gain clarity.

Something that has really taken hold in my mind as of lately is the idea of being the best version of Coffeechug that I can be.

This has caused me to take pause and analyze what I am doing and make some difficult decisions.

I started out by mapping all the things that occupy my life and time


I have looked at this map and continue to add to it as I realize that I take time to do this or that. What I am finding that a problem I have and have always had is wanting to do too much. I bounce around from idea to idea and over time I have spread myself out so thin that I crash and burn. I don’t do justice to any particular idea.

I have been reading and studying how to say NO. I need to learn to train my mind that I can do less, but still be productive. I can do less and in the process do more.

I am working on gaining clarity and a focus for 2015.

The month of December might have less postings. I am taking this month to take a serious look at my life, what I really want to accomplish, and sift through what will allow me to make those goals a reality and which ones are simply pulling me away from the path.

In my newsletter coming out Friday I am sharing the tools I am using to assess my Twitter status, Facebook, and this website. What is it that people care about? What is it that really pulls zero interest despite taking time to share about it on my social media channels? What social media outlets are not necessary? All of these things are things for me to consider.

I must also consider all the things I am part of after school. I run and operate many things which I am passionate about, but leave me spending more hours at school than at home. What is the balance? Where must I downsize to be home more to spend time helping my kids and my wife. Being gone 3-4 nights a week leaving my wife to battle three children and homework and traveling from A to B is not fair. Schoolwork has been a huge battle with my son this year and there are things that simply require two parents to work through. Issues of homework, struggles with stress, anxiety, and mindsets are big issues that require a family effort to work through and I simply am not there enough to play a part.

Personally, I have goals I want to accomplish. I am already pushing my comfort zone boundaries to make them happen and the feedback far has been critical and not the jumpstart I was hoping for, but it has been a reality check that things must go in order to focus and make things happen.

Over the next month I will be documenting how I am going about making these decisions to be a better version of Coffeechug. What are the tips or things you do to check yourself?

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