065: How To Organize and Manage a STEM Classroom with Terri Smith


In this episode I have a chat with Terri Smith who is an amazing STEM Educator here in Iowa! We discuss her learning space and how she manages students, materials, and organizational strategies to survive all the things that come with being a teacher.

To see her learning space check out the images and videos here

Episode can be found here https://simplecast.com/s/15f742cf


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The show is also now on Stitcher

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Topics We Explore

  1. How did Terri make the shift from elementary art teacher to STEM educator?
  2. What was the process for Terri build capacity to become an effective STEM educator without much background?
  3. How does Terri manage materials, transitions, and strategies to navigate all tha is STEM.
    1. Small White Basket Example: Basic Square Mini Bin Storage Trays
    2. Clear Storage Sterilite – there a lot of sizes based on needs.
    3. Wood tables she built – I have a guide coming soon
  4. The importance of storage, glue gun station, and how to store projects.
  5. How does Terri manage her projects for all of her classes. She has 6-7 preps each semester.
  6. How does Terri decide what is worth teaching and effective for student learning?
  7. What has Terri learned from things that don’t work out as planned?
  8. How do weave in assessments and grades in these type of learning spaces?
  9. What is Terri most excited about now?


Show Notes & Quotes

To see her learning space check out the images and videos here


Where To Find Terri Smith

Email terri.smith@cd-csd.org

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