068: Katie Henry of Birdbrain Technologies – Don’t Pick The Low Hanging Fruit!


In this episode I speak with Katie Henry of Birdbrain Technologies where we dive into a powerful conversation about one of her recent blog posts about not choosing the low hanging fruit.

Episode can be found here https://simplecast.com/s/4779061a


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The show is also now on Stitcher

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Topics We Explore

What does it mean to pick the low hanging fruit?

What are some examples of low hanging fruit in education that we should avoid?

How do we disrupt the traditional paradigm to ensure the digital divide does not increase in our classrooms?

Open and honest examination of bias and stereotypes. SO POWERFUL!

CHALLENGE: Go out and do something that you never considered doing before. Sign up for a class and/or enter an environment that will teach you something new from a teacher. Go outside your domain, meet new people and learn something new!

Being able to say NO is really important and healthy.

How do I get started small in a manageable way?

How will I meet the needs of my students without getting fired? (see resources 8 and 9 below)



Show Notes & Quotes

  1. What are my goals?
  2. What is the purpose of using a new technology or tool?
  3. Can I use this tool to heal the hearts and minds of our students who feel broken?
  4. If you don’t say who are serving, then you will default to who you have always been serving.
  5. Girls, resource poor students, rural students, students of color, and students with exceptionaliites are five groups that you should focus on when planning your goals.
  6. So many times when we introduce tools we often strengthen the bias and stereotypes already in existence.
  7. Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance
  8. Stakeholder Map Guide
  9. Stakeholder Map Resource #2
    • 1) Think of all the people you are accountable to
      2) How much are they interested in your work? (rank high to low on the Y axis)
      3) How much are they influencing your day-to-day work (rank high to low on X axis)
      4) Determine which quadrant folks on are. Stay focused on the folks in the top right, allow yourself more wiggle room with the other three quadrants.
      5) You might realize you’re stressing out over people/situations that you don’t need to.

Where To Find Katie Henry

Birdbrain Technologies Website: https://www.birdbraintechnologies.com/

The blog of Katie: Katie Days

Blog post discussed in podcast – Start With Low Hanging Fruit

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatieHenryDays

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