105: Terri Smith

In this episode I speak with Terri Smith. Terri is originally from Keswick, Iowa and moved to DeWitt seventeen years ago after attending Central College in Pella. She has two kids, Issac and Finnley, and the new school therapy dog, Digit. Terri began her career in DeWitt as an Elementary Art teacher where she stayed for twelve years, and has spent the past five years as the Middle School STEM teacher. She also began the FLL (FIRST LEGO League) for her middle school four years ago. Each year since, they are happy to have multiple teams take part in this extra-curricular.  Teaching STEM allows Terri to continuously integrate her art background by adding the hands-on creativity element to our curriculum in a new way. She is passionate about seeing students become interested in creating and building through the use of robotics.


You can check out our previous conversation where we talk about her learning space, how she manages materials, and more.

065: How To Organize and Manage a STEM Classroom with Terri Smith https://wp.me/s4covo-065



Direct Link: https://coffeechug.simplecast.com/episodes/105

Episode can be found here


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Topics We Explore

  1. How do we as educators pivot our learning journey to change up what we teach, how we teach, and why we teach?
  2. The importance of being a cheerleader for our students while not ruining their AHA! moments.
  3. How to share your work and classroom learning and keeping a balance with work/life balance?
  4. Femineer Program and how Terri is part of a movement to get more females into the STEM fields
  5. Ideas and things that Terri is excited about

Share your thoughts, ideas, questions, and reflections to the Flipgrid Channel for this podcast

Flipgrid Link – https://flipgrid.com/a45f1893

Show Notes & Quotes

Femineer Program





Terri Facebook Classroom Page – https://www.facebook.com/STEMgoingstrong/

Email – terri.smith@cd-csd.org

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