108: Design Thinking with John Spencer

In this episode I speak with John Spencer. Here is his bio from his website:

Hi, I’m John Spencer. I’m a former middle school teacher and current college professor on a quest to transform schools into bastions of creativity and wonder. I want to see teachers unleash the creative potential in all of their students so that kids can be makers, designers, artists, and engineers. I explore research, interview educators, deconstruct systems, and study real-world examples of design thinking in action. I share what I’m learning in books, blog posts, journal articles, free resources, animated videos, and podcasts.


Direct Link: https://coffeechug.simplecast.com/episodes/108

Episode can be found here



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Topics We Explore

  1. What is the LAUNCH Cycle to help with design thinking?
  2. What does the LAUNCH acronym stand for and why does it work?
  3. Clarification that the LAUNCH Cycle fits all subject areas and is more than cardboard and duct tape.
  4. How to use the LAUNCH cycle as part of the sustained inquiry in the PBL planning.
  5. Clarifying that the LAUNCH cycle is not step-by-step approach.
  6. How do we develop students abilities to ask good questions?
  7. Difference between failing and failure
  8. What are the unwritten rules/ideas to utilize LAUNCH that are not covered in the book?


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Show Notes & Quotes





Website: http://www.spencerauthor.com/

LAUNCH Website: – http://thelaunchcycle.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spencerideas

Amazon Link

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