#25daysofmaking Day 19 Flying Butterflies

“What is the best method to obtain the solution to a problem? The answer is, any way that works.”—Richard Feynman

Dear all my wing flapping butterflies

Welcome to day 19. I have been waiting so patiently to publish this project. I am so lucky to have crossed paths with Amy Anderson. She is an art teacher who does some crazy good work with her students. She has been doing these projects with her students these last few weeks and now we can share one of her amazing ideas.

As the days draw closer to winter I know it feels like there simply is not enough time to do it all. That is okay. The projects are not going anywhere so you can always infuse them throughout the year. Additionally, the daily onslaught of creative making is designed to push us away from the mindset of perfection. We all have read in some shape or form that perfect is the enemy of good. We can take it up a notch and remind ourselves that good is the enemy of done. I hope that a daily dose of projects can help us all not get stuck in our creative endeavors and push us to prototype and put it out into the world AND not wait for perfection. Take time to think about what you might do if you had more time, jot down some notes, and move on!


The 19th project is a project that is so much fun! Using very simple materials that you have in your school, you can make these super fun butterflies that take flight with a bit of science magic. Grab those pliers, notecards, rubber bands, and wire and start making your own butterfly. A class of flying butterflies sounds like a perfect remedy for this time of year! Mixing in some science, art, and engineering, students can make some pretty spectacular items like this butterfly project.

We hope you enjoy the 19th day of making project.  


Add your project or any other projects you are working on through these options to share how you approached today’s challenge or the one from yesterday. Then, check out and comment on some other examples when they are shared.

Besides using the hashtag #25daysofmaking on Instagram and Twitter I am also posting the projects over on Facebook so you can interact on this platform as well.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to Flipgrid and introduce yourself and/or your students!


This element is important! Don’t neglect reflection on your own learning. We must be lifelong learners and be models to our students.

Take a moment to reflect on your creative process by sharing with the hashtags and other mediums. Let us start a conversation about this concept. How did remixing help you? What questions do you still have about remixing?

Aaron “Coffeechug” Maurer

P.S. Did you miss the previous days? Check out the site and get caught up. It’s never too late to start!

P.P.S. Want to share that you’re participating? Here’s a #25daysofmaking digital sticker.

Head here to learn more about the project and instructions!


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