5 Projects To Connect Globally and Have Fun Learning This Winter!

Today marks a big day of excitement. Today I launch the beginning of four projects.

Two are global projects focused on the sustainable development goals using the LAUNCH Cycle as a structure.

Two are maker projects for the winter.

One is focused on applying purposeful play to the classroom.

Enjoy and hope to see you get involved in one or all!


Purposeful Play With LEGO

I have always had a love for hands on learning and play. I have seen this learning continue to get stifled in schools with all the pressures mounting on schools, teachers, and students. As stress, fatigue, anxiety, and burnout continue to increase for both students and adults I see a bigger need to help support education with infusing more play and wonder into the classroom.

I have done something about it. After leading several PD sessions and workshops using LEGO and other materials to bring excitement to learning I realize I can do more.

Back in April of 2019 I launched the first version of Purposeful Play with LEGO course. It was a six week blitz of play and building with a new topic each week. It was incredible. Check out the work here to see what we accomplished with educators from all over the globe.

I have brought it back, but with changes. A slower pace, new activities, new learning, and more opportunities to connect, learn, and share.

Be ready as the course will launch December 2019 and continue through May 2020. Each month we will focus on a new goal with lots of exciting challenges infused into the learning.

Starts December 1st, 2019

Our Education Matters: Global PBL

Students from around the world will examine weekly questions focused on quality education to explore how they can play a role in making the world a better place for all youth growing up in a world that needs their voice, insights, and actions. Students will work and learning with partners from around the world to make a real change that will better serve the educational needs to students whether locally, regionally, or globally while discovering how all of our actions impact other people.

Starts November 4th, 2019

Sea Turtle and Plastic Pollution: Global PBL

Students from around the world will examine weekly themes focused on water pollution to explore how they can play a role in making the world a better place for sea turtles who are impacted by the tidal wave of plastic in our oceans. Students will work with partners from around the world to make a real change that will better serve the animals in need while discovering how all of our actions impact other people and animals.

Starts November 4th, 2019

25 Days of Making

Each day leading up to the holidays we will unveil a new maker project for you to do or for you students to do. Change and tweak as needed based on your circumstances. Think of it like an Advent calendar minus religious tones. Each day a new surprise will be in your inbox.

Even better is that you will learn about 25 amazing makers that you can add to your network because they will share not only their project but where you can find them to keep the learning to go year round.

It is that simple.

Oh yeah, and each time you make please share so we can see what is being done and for the creators to see their ideas in action! It is the gift that keeps on giving.

Starts December 1st, 2019

LEGO Ornament Challenge

Coming the week of Thanksgiving we will open up the floodgates of making and share with the world 25 LEGO Ornament build challenges. Each one will come with inspiration builds, models of inspiration, video guides, and more to get you started. In the end you will have 25 ornaments you created to decorate your tree.

We are hard at work building the models to inspire you so sign up today!

Starts November 24th, 2019

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