A New Newsetter Focused On Better Living

New Year, New Beginnings: Creating a 2023 Theme of Living

As we turn the page to a new year, I am filled with a sense of determination and hope. After a tough and tumultuous 2022, I am ready to make positive changes in my life and find my sense of purpose.

I know that the journey of self-discovery is never easy, and that there will be times when I feel lost and adrift in a thick, suffocating mist of despair. But I am determined to keep searching for that beacon of light that will guide me through the stormy seas of life, and help me to navigate the trials and tribulations of my own hero’s journey.

To that end, I am excited to announce that I will be embarking on a themed approach to 2023, one that is different from my previous efforts with a single word or goal. This year, I plan to take the time to reflect on my values and passions, and figure out how I can use them to make a positive impact in the world. I know that there will be ups and downs, but I also know that part of life is working through the ebbs and flows, and that even when it feels like I am stuck in concrete, I am still moving forward.

To help me stay on track, I am also planning to work on my theme for the year, which I will be sharing with you in more detail soon. This theme will help me to create closed loops, and give me a sense of progress and accomplishment as I journey towards self-discovery.

So stay tuned for more updates and insights as I embark on this new and exciting adventure. And in the meantime, I hope that you too will find the courage and resilience to keep moving forward, no matter what challenges you may face.

Wishing you all the best in 2023!

I won’t be publishing each reflection piece all over social media. Instead I will keep this personal journey in one space on my new Substack so if you would like to follow the journey you can subscribe here:


I will still be sharing all my education thoughts and more as always, but this element is a bit more personal so keeping it in one spot for those that actually want to connect with me in this way.

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