AI Insights: Empowering High School Students on Their Journey Through AI’s Impact on Education and Gen Z

I was contacted by an educator who was seeking help and guidance for a group of high school students who are trying navigate the world of AI and what it means for them as they near graduating high school.

To give context, I was asked to meet with them and after several snow days and late starts we only had 30 minutes for our initial meeting. Their end goal is a podcast that they must submit not only for a grade but for a larger challenge they are part of in their class.

I had asked for their questions ahead of time and was given the following:

  • Question 1: How is AI affecting education and the workplace?
  • Question 2: How is AI impacting Gen Z

These are their questions and during my drive (over one hour) to their school I posed the following post to gain additional ideas to my networks and social media platforms:

Alright friends, I need a quick bit of help.

Heading to a high school to work with a high school team who is working on an AI project with a looming deadline to submit their work.

I have not met them yet due to Iowa weather, but here are their two main questions they have for me.

I am curating a list of thoughts, research, articles, etc., but I don’t have a lot.

Would love any help to help them. I can address the AI and impacts on education, but always glad to have further ideas and proof, but workplace and the Gen Z I need some help if you have any.

And as always people respond with lots of thoughts. It is only fair to curate the content as a follow up because I believe it is important that if people offer their insights they know it is put to good use.

Before I provide the ideas that I curated and organized to hopefully be helpful for the teacher and students I want to share that the conversation we engaged in was incredible. From a group that had some typical high school body language after being away from school for a week by the end we were dialed in and questions and ideas were flowing like crazy. I love when excitement and inquiry opens up doors to new ideas. Sometimes we just need a nudge of new thought and this is what happened with all of you sharing. I have knowledge(no expert) and you all helped me verify some thoughts and pushed my thinking in new directions. Thank you to everyone who shared ideas. I hope this document serves as justice to your efforts.

I hope this helps you and if you have further thoughts please share and I will add to the resources.

Document of lessons, ideas, and ways to think about AI in education and Gen Z

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