Artificial Intelligence Artwork #1

I am becoming very fascinated by a new concept to me creating art using artificial intelligence. I won’t go into detail yet as I barely understand things myself. However, I have been able to create some cool pieces in my beginning stages of learning.

Here is my first AI art project using Google Colab. You can see the prompt for this art piece at the beginning of the video. I let the AI run for 2200 iterations.


Here is the video progression of 2000 iterations. Turn it on, relax or keep in background and check it out over the course of all the iterations until the end.

What prompts should I try next? Give me something unique and clever and I will give it a try while I continue to learn more about artificial intelligence and how to adjust all the various settings.

Be prepared as I continue to learn and share how exactly how this all works and potential classroom integrations.

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