Authentic Student Voice and Creating Action #edplay chat!

Last night we hosted another Google Hangout Panel Chat. The topic was

Topic: Authentic Student Voice & Acting on Voice

We had several students lined up and ready to go, but due to our high school boys basketball team playing at state we had quite a few not make it back in time. Regardless, we still had an amazing chat. Last night we were so lucky to have Zak Malamed who helps run and operate you can follow their hashtage #stuvoice and follow him at @zakmal.

We also had Laurel Braaten @Laurel_Braaten who is an 8th grader at my school(Bettendorf Middle School) who is a rising and emerging student voice leader. She has been on several of these chats and has helped to create the group Iowa High Five that has been working to develop a more active role of students in our school and community. She also chimes in during our project tuning sessions to help teachers create projects. She has been a great inspiration to me personally to keep fighting and encouraging for more student voice.

Last night we discussed the importance of student voice and what it looks like. I think that we covered many important topics. One of them that really stands out to me is that student voice does not have to be global. It can start small within the classroom and slowly expand. Student Voice is in pockets in many schools. The goal is to increase this pocket into a movement. I do believe that student voice may not be for everyone as it takes someone willing to take a risk and see what happens. We talked above moving into action with student voice. I feel blessed to be working in a school that has allowed action to occur. We have a long way to go, but talking with many other schools we are ahead in game.


What I am asking of you is to listen to our chat and connect with us. Send us your feedback and thoughts about what we discussed. You can always email me, send me a tweet @coffeechugbooks or use the hashtag #edplay. We want to hear from you. Share your stories. Share your questions, and share your ideas about what you agree or disagree with.

Activate your voice and connect with us!

I have a lot to process. Here are my reflection notes that I need to move from ideas into action. What are your ideas?

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