Building Blocks of Wonder: Celebrating Small Wins in the Educational Landscape

Just as a towering LEGO structure begins with the placement of a single brick, the journey of nurturing a culture of curiosity and creativity in education begins with recognizing and celebrating small wins. This reflection originates from a recent professional development (PD) workshop on Project-Based Learning (PBL), where the metaphor of building with LEGO illuminated the pathway towards fostering a conducive environment for both educators and learners.

Reflection Prompt:

  • Reflect on your last educational endeavor. What was the foundational ‘brick’ that sparked curiosity and engagement?

Laying the First Brick: The Small Wins Paradigm

Every LEGO masterpiece starts with the first brick, a small yet significant step towards a grand design. Similarly, in education, small wins act as these foundational bricks, paving the way for a culture of continuous learning and growth. Through a series of LEGO build challenges during the PD, educators experienced firsthand the impact of celebrating small milestones, each victory laying down a brick towards a larger goal. Educators were leaning in, challenging their own growth edges, sharing ideas, laughing and smiling(yes that is allowed in PD and learning), and engaging in conversations around their own practices.

Reflection Prompt:

  • Recall a recent ‘small win’ in your classroom. How did it contribute to the larger learning objective?

Constructing the Wonderland: Rediscovering the Joys of Learning

Just as LEGO evokes the joy of creation and discovery, education should rekindle the wonder of learning. The hands-on LEGO activities during the workshop served as a gateway, reminding educators of the exhilarating journey of exploration and creation, which is at the heart of effective teaching and learning. Yes, I could have started with planning documents, research articles, and very specific concepts, but if we have not established the joy of learning, creating a safe space for sharing ideas, and realizing that maybe we don’t have this for ourselves and/or students, then all this high level stuff does not matter. Foundation is key.

Reflection Prompt:

  • How can you infuse elements of play and discovery in your teaching methods to reignite the joy of learning?

Fortifying the Structure: Cultivating a Safe Haven for Creativity

A sturdy LEGO structure requires a stable base. Similarly, creativity in the classroom necessitates a safe and supportive environment. The PD workshop emphasized the importance of establishing a culture where sharing ideas and being vulnerable is celebrated, thereby laying a strong foundation for innovative thinking and learning.

Reflection Prompt:

  • What steps could you take to create a psychologically safe classroom environment that encourages creative expression and idea-sharing?

Building Bridges with Project-Based Learning:

Just as a LEGO bridge connects disparate structures, Project-Based Learning (PBL) bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. The workshop provided a glimpse into the PBL world, showing how it can serve as a bridge towards a more collaborative, hands-on, and meaningful learning experience.

Reflection Prompt:

  • How can the principles of PBL act as a ‘bridge’ to enhance engagement and practical understanding in your classroom?

Resources for Master Builders:

Below is the slidedeck I put together for the PD along with other resources I discussed through our conversations providing the necessary tools and insights for educators to continue constructing their educational landscape.

Links to Resources:


The PD workshop hopefully sparked some of the same joy as opening a new LEGO set, where each activity and discussion was a unique brick, contributing to the larger picture of creating a vibrant, curious, and creative educational environment. As we continue placing brick by brick, celebrating each small win, we move closer to constructing an educational experience filled with wonder, play, and meaningful connections.

Reflection Prompt:

  • As you reflect on your teaching journey, how have the ‘small wins’ acted as crucial building blocks towards your larger educational goals? How will you celebrate and build upon these victories moving forward?

I can’t wait until the next session where we build off the successes of the day.

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