“If you don’t understand, ask questions. If you’re uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway.”—Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Dear makers and tinkerers, It…Read more
#25daysofmaking Project 4: Holiday Book Tree 🎄 📚
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero Dear friends, Books. One of the greatest treasures we have in this world. Sometimes we need…Read more
#25daysofmaking Project 3: Makedo Cardboard Christmas Tree 🎄
“Too much of our training is focused on solving known problems rather than imagining and exploring.” Joi Ito Dear friends, It is the weekend which is a perfect time for…Read more
#25daysofmaking Project 2: LED Music-synced Epic Griswold Ugly Sweater
“There are no standards written that cannot be supported through play” Pamela Phelps Dear friends, Thank you for a great start to the 25 days of making. We heard from lots…Read more
#25daysofmaking Project 1 is Live: Techie Ugly Sweater
Happy Day 1 of Making The time has come! Are you ready to get your make on? We have been so excited to share our ideas with you and the…Read more
Coffeechug Brain Teaser #3: Can You Draw This Shape?
Here is your next challenge! Here is the solution if you need it!
074: Dana K. White and How To Declutter Our Spaces with the A Slob Come Clean Method
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Dana K. White, A Slob Comes Clean, about her method for decluttering and how we can infuse her methods into our learning…Read more
New Teachers Asking For Help With Engagement
The other evening I had a wonderful opportunity to spend about 70 minutes with a group of 40ish first and second year teachers in my area. I was asked to…Read more
25 Days of Making = 25 Projects for Teachers
Some of you might have seen some of my social media posts teasing this idea that I thought of on a long drive home from one of my weekend driving…Read more
Plan Your Calendar With a Purpose to Free Up Your Time!
I have been using a system that has been around for a while now that I am finding is really helping me gain perspective on how I use my time…Read more