Ideas based off Letter from the Editor in Fast Company March 2014. What I am doing here is taking those ideas, changing some of them to apply to education, but…Read more
Coffeechug Thoughts
016: Living on the Edge of Chaos: Courage PBL
This episode is designed to do two things. 1. To showcase another amazing project created and developed by a teacher here at Bettendorf Middle School on the topic of courage….Read more
Schools and Parents Need to Tear Down the Communication Barrier
A few recent events in my community and school have really given me a lot to think about on a variety of levels. These events that have happened are not…Read more
015: Living on the Edge of Chaos: 8th Graders Talk Social Media
We have an 8th grade language arts teacher conducting a project right now around digital footprints. As students are navigating their way through their project I was asked to be…Read more
Deeper Learning Conference Reflection Part 3: Deep Dive Session #deeperlearning
Here I am one week after the Deeper Learning Conference and I am still knee deep in reflection over what I learned. Today I want to focus on the first…Read more
Deeper Learning Reflection Part 2: Spreading the word to #iaedchat #deeperlearning
After publishing my first reflection on the Deeper Learning Conference I am actually going to jump ahead beyond my conference specific reflections to what happened the Sunday I returned home…Read more
Coffeechug Attends Deeper Learning Conference: Reflection Part 1#deeperlearning
I have blogged and shared my thoughts online like a junkie of thoughts and ideas for years. I recently returned from the most amazing conference I have attended – Deeper…Read more
Mid Spring Break Idea Post

I shared these ideas this morning to our Play and Tinkering in the Classroom PD group on Google+ and thought I would post here as well. For more info on…Read more
Authentic Student Voice and Creating Action #edplay chat!

Last night we hosted another Google Hangout Panel Chat. The topic was Topic: Authentic Student Voice & Acting on Voice We had several students lined up and ready to go,…Read more
Coffeechug attends his first #edcamp! Great day at #edcampiowa!
This past Saturday I participated in one of the five #edcampiowa locations here in Bettendorf, Iowa. This was my first EdCamp experience. I was not sure what to expect, but…Read more