With anything in life we all try to set goals and live up to expectations. However, one thing we forget to do is to craft out time in our days…Read more
Coffeechug Thoughts
Technology Does Not Create Better Quality
I’ve found now as processors have gotten faster and programs have gotten smarter, there’s some pretty musical tools that are showing up in the digital world. The tools are better……the…Read more
Iowa Educators Voxer Music Mixtape Challenge 1: Motivation/Inspiration #iaedvoxer
When I started my own challenge of learning Voxer I never knew that it would lead to such powerful moments of sharing ideas and thoughts. Right away I made a…Read more
026: Weekly Dose of Caffeine 10.31.14 Podcast for Newsletter

This is a new experiment. I am creating a podcast to go along with the newsletter. Check out the newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/6PDQL If you want the backstory and reasons for what…Read more
Increasing Teacher Voice: Challenge and Nominate a Teacher
I believe with all my heart in the power of Student Voice. I also see a new burning desire that I must bring myself to action on that is not…Read more
“And I Won’t Back Down”
As I started my new journey to fitness I get to start watching documentaries again while riding my bike on my trainer. Since I was lucky to get Foo Fighter…Read more
Iowa Educators Shared Learning Event
I believe in sharing. It is the reason I have this website, send out tweets, and make YouTube videos. I believe that more teachers need to share. We need to…Read more
Proximity <=> Creativity and Collaboration
Proximity does not equal more creativity and collaboration. The key is to be near the right people So, the question that needs to be asked, “Are you allowed to put…Read more
Coffeechug Implements 1 Idea from #ITEC14
Time and time again we heard at ITEC14 the idea that we cannot rush back and try to implement every single idea. I took that to heart because I know…Read more
#ITEC14 Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Backchannel Q and A
During one of my presentations Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Version 2.2 I opened up a backchannel for the audience to pose questions while I present. I ran through almost 100 slides…Read more