Converting office for remote learning and teaching

Remote teaching and remote learning is difficult. It is a tough transition from the systems we have in place prior to this new reality of ours.

As a family of 5 with one parent being an educator and the other supporting 21 school districts along with a child in high school, middle school, and elementary school, we have been working on creating new norms. One of these new norms is rethinking space.

This video focuses on one aspect of space, and that is our office. Until now it has been a place where I do my work, build projects, pay the bills, store my stuff, ride my bike, and more. We now have to reconsider the space to do all my work from home while helping my wife deliver content to students AND create a space for the kids to learn. This is the current setup of our space after lots of hard work to declutter, reorganize, build new setups, and piece it all together with little money.

Fortunately, I had things available from prior projects, but I hope this helps you with your space. And please share your tips and ideas for how you are handling remote learning and teaching, as we can all learn collectively to make the best of the situation.


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