Introducing Pathfinders of the Mind: HI+ Skill Adventures Card Game: A Journey of Skills and Mindsets for Our Evolving World

Snow days, stress of life and work, sub zero temps has me looking to engage my brain in new ways I have not done in a while. Some are productive. Some are just for fun. I have gone back to my glory days of playing Marvel Snap and just starting to relearn Magic The Gathering once I get enough storage on my phone.

Combine this with a potential time in my career where I might have to pivot and working on my resume I was hit hard with the words that I so often share and speak and guide in my PD, workshops, keynotes, and words on social media.

I was confronted with looking at what are my skills that I am possess that I can articulate and showcase a portfolio of proof of these skills. Looking at oneself is not so easy as we take certain things for granted and for me find it hard to put into words to showcase.

I share all this as backdrop that I was working on all of this I had a new idea of creating a card game that would be something where people could create their own decks of skills personalized to them and then look at what other cards(skills, mindsets, traits) that they would like to add and then figure out how to go about leveling up and upgrading their cards and life.

So, this post is to explain what I have drafted so far. Nothing is concrete. It is all beta. I am brainstorming cards, diving into AI image content and Adobe tools and Canva to learn card design, and thought it would be powerful and fun to share the journey, the card ideas, and hear from all of you.

And who knows, maybe one this will all come to fruitition and an actual deck will be manifested.

For now, it allows me to write and share and organize ideas.

I am putting the ideas out into the world to help me manifest the creation of this concept card game and to share my thinking along the way.

The beta name of the card deck: Pathfinders of the Mind: HI+ Skill Adventures(HI+ means Human Intelligence Plus)

Introducing “Pathfinders of the Mind”: A Journey of Skills and Mindsets for Our Evolving World

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting series where I am exploring  what it means to thrive and sruvive in a world increasingly shaped by AI and technological advancements. And not just AI, but society is shifting and shaping all the time. My concept at this point is a deck of cards aka “Pathfinders of the Mind” – a concept currently in prototype but with the potential to blossom into something much more: a card deck representing the myriad of skills and mindsets essential for all of us in today’s dynamic world. It aims to bridge the gap of how we see ourselves and where we want to be while adjusting to the changin world around us, offering a playful yet profound way to explore and develop the skills essential for thriving in the AI era.

Why Skills Matter Now More Than Ever

The landscape of work and education is shifting. Automation and AI are reshaping job roles, necessitating a rethinking of the skills we need. The World Economic Forum’s research underscores this, highlighting the growing importance of skills like analytical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence in the digital age. “Pathfinders of the Mind” encapsulates these insights, turning them into an engaging learning experience.

More Than Just a Deck: A Reflection of Our Collective Growth

“Pathfinders of the Mind” is not just a set of cards; it’s a reflection of our journey as learners, professionals, and human beings. Each card is a conversation starter, a thought-provoker, representing a skill or mindset that is becoming increasingly important in our lives, whether in education, the workplace, or personal development. At the heart of “Pathfinders of the Mind” lies the concept of Human Intelligence Plus (HI+). This idea represents the synergy of human intellect, our growth mindset, awareness of the world around us along with technology shifts and AI’s capabilities. In an age where upskilling is not just beneficial but necessary, HI+ is about enhancing our innate abilities with tools, skills, mindsets, disposition, tehcnology and AI’s analytical power, fostering a complementary relationship that elevates our potential.

The Deck: A Fusion of Fun and Learning

Imagine a deck of cards, each representing a unique skill set augmented the world around us and what is needed. From “The Story Weaver” with narrative ingenuity to “The Visionary Artisan” embodying creative intuition, the deck brings together a collection diverse skills, mindsets, traits, and dispositions. It’s designed not just for individual exploration but as a tool for educators, facilitators, and learners to engage in meaningful discussions about the future of skills and education. So far I have drafted 20 card concepts in words only and am currently designing a card template to bring them to life visually.

A Personalized Deck for Personal Growth

Envision “Pathfinders of the Mind” not just as a card deck but as a tool for self-reflection and personal development. Much like in games like Marvel Snap or Magic the Gathering, where players create their unique decks, users of “Pathfinders of the Mind” will curate their personalized set of skills. This isn’t just about playing a game; it’s about mapping your journey through learning and personal growth.

Imagine holding a deck that mirrors your strengths and highlights areas for development. By exploring different cards, you gain insights into skills you possess and those you might want to ‘acquire’ or enhance. It’s an opportunity to engage in a deeper dialogue with yourself and others about your personal and professional growth.

Upgrading Your Deck: A Metaphor for Lifelong Learning

Each card in the deck represents a skill – some you may already have, others you aspire to develop. The concept of ‘upgrading’ your deck is akin to upskilling in real life. It encourages you to identify areas where you can level up, much like how you might choose to add a powerful card to your deck in a strategic game.

This card deck is a small step in that direction, a tool to ignite curiosity, spark conversations, and drive us all towards being better learners, professionals, and humans in the AI age.

Your Insights Matter

As this project unfolds, your insights and experiences are invaluable. In your life, in your occupation, what skills have you found essential? How has the need for upskilling impacted you or your industry? What areas do you see as lacking in terms of skills when it comes to hiring or professional development? Your stories and perspectives will help shape the “Pathfinders of the Mind” into a tool that resonates with real-world challenges and opportunities.

A Collaborative Effort to Navigate Our Changing World

This series is about collaboration and collective wisdom. As I develop these cards, I invite you to join the conversation. Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas. Your contribution is a vital part of this journey. Together, we can create a resource that not only helps us explore ourselves but also guides conversations about becoming better humans and integrating human-centric pedagogy into our learning experiences.

A Vision for the Future

While “Pathfinders of the Mind” is currently a prototype, the dream is for it to become an actual card deck one day. A deck that can be used by individuals, educators, and teams to spark discussions, inspire self-reflection, and guide us in weaving together the tapestry of human intelligence and AI in our learning and growth.

I look forward to hearing from you and evolving these ideas into something that can truly make a difference in how we view and develop our skills and mindsets in an AI-enhanced world.

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