Purposeful Play with LEGO Course: Creativity Recap

December is just about over and that means our month of exploring creativity is a wrap. I know that many of you will continue to explore, build, and experiment with creativity in 2020 and that is perfectly fine. That is the whole goal of this online course – use the material as you see fit.

Before we launch the next topic for January which we will explore Critical Thinking, I wanted to spend some time showcasing what we learned, created, and developed this past month.

And if you are new to all of this and want to learn more about this free course, then start here and sign up on this page to receive emails and updates.

Finally, if you are part of the course, then don’t be bashful and get involved in our channels online to build some connections with other educators. The more we share, the better the learning and greater increase in confidence.

Step 0: Connecting Ourselves

Class Page

I designed this step for people to get prepared prior to December. Many of you did this work in December and some of you will continue to do this work in future months. Let’s look at what we have created.

  1. Introductions – This Flipgrid has four introductions. We can do better as we have over 70 people in the course. So, come say hi and introduce yourself. Let us know more about you. AND…. leave a response to someone else. You can leave replies and this is a good way to build connections. Don’t do this work alone.
  2. Location Builds – These 10 location builds are so good. I love them and this is what will make us better. As we do these builds to help you build confidence in yourself, I hope that you will also develop new ideas to use with your kids and students. Check these builds out as they are impressive!


Step 1: Creative Thinking

Class Page

December is always a crazy busy month so while we posted this in December I believe many of you will use this content in January. While we will continue on with the course remember you can work at your own pace.

  1. Can you access creativity? I made this short video to engage the viewer in some conversation. What do you think? Where do you stand on this topic? Be sure to jump on the conversation either on YouTube or Facebook.
  2. The LEGO Selfie project was a hit. This one had the most submissions and heard some great things from people who used this activity. Check the video below to see all the wonderful builds.
  3. LEGO Ducks – I have done this activity hundreds of times and was impressed by the ducks created and shared this month. Some great ideas! Check the video below to see the builds.
  4. Create your own creative challenge. Thank you to Jacque Holke for submitting an idea. I would love to hear from you all. Don’t judge yourself. You never know how your idea will help others. Head over the slide deck and submit your idea! Crowdsourcing and sharing is what will make this class work. What idea could you share?


Reflection in Learning

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE…..Share where you are in your headspace after a month exploring creativity. Even if you have not done much it is so crucial to your learning and the future of this course for you to reflect on your learning journey. I am asking you to be vulnerable, but we must hold ourselves accountable. Below are some sample thougths, but let’s share so we realize that we are not alone in our journey. I just posted my own reflection.

Hold yourself accountable so you can look back in June and see how far you have come in your journey.

Link to Flipgrid – https://flipgrid.com/df7880af

  • what new learning occurred?
  • what questions still linger?
  • what did you learn about yourself?
  • what did you learn about your students?
  • what are next steps for you?

Enjoy the video of all the submissions shared. I cannot wait to unleash the challenges for next month focused on Critical Thinking.

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