Recap of Empowering Educators with AI in Education: Experimental Conversation

A bit over a week ago, I hosted my first conversation virtually with educators and professionals from all over the world on the topic of ChatGPT and impacts on education.

I know everyone is doing this, but this one was one in which I was nervous and excited about. I knew going in there would be folks who are so intelligent on this topic, people like me eager to learn, and those joining in to learn for the first time.

I decided not to record to allow more open and honest conversation and also because we used breakout rooms to create smaller and more personal space for conversation.

In the end, I cannot believe how much I learned. I learned new tools and information. I was pushed in my thinking to new approaches of processing all the layers that must be considered for education, and was left with more questions, more inquiry, and more excitement to connect with these folks again.

A result of meeting so many wonderful people has been work on a new website to capture my thinking and learning around generative AI in education. The website is super raw, very rough draft, with a lot to add, annotate, capture, and develop to showcase my learning journey. However, it is available in the hopes it helps others.

And I created a page for the session with the agenda, resources, and summary of thoughts discussed.

The event was powerful to remind me of the power of human connection and regardless of the technology that comes and goes, the power of human connection, and bringing our minds together is the most powerful tool that exists.

I can’t wait for the next session. Details coming soon.


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