Virtual Coffeehouse Conversation on AI in Education

Back in early February I hosted a conversation with several participants from all over the globe to discuss AI in the landscape of education. It was a great session that left many of us with more questions than we came in with, but that was the whole point. After the event many have asked for another session as we talked about what would our thinking be weeks after this initial conversation as we learn more and new things come out daily.


It is here. The first gathering of a Coffee For The Brain Virtual Coffeehouse Conversation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world in many ways, and education is no exception. AI can empower educators with new tools and methods to enhance their teaching and learning practices. But what is AI exactly, and how can it benefit education? How can educators use AI ethically and responsibly in their classrooms? And what are the challenges and opportunities that AI brings for education?

If you are interested in these questions, you are invited to join the free Zoom session on AI and its impacts on education.

In this session, you will come ready to discuss the basics of AI, its applications and benefits for education, and its ethical and social implications.

Additionally, you will also have a chance to join breakout groups and have smaller conversations with other educators who share your interests and concerns about AI in education.

Here is how things work

Event date:  Thursday, March 9th @ 7:00 pm CST

Platform: Zoom

Pre Conversation

  1. Sign up in this form so you can be added to the Zoom call
  2. You will receive a calendar invite for the Zoom
  3. Head to the learning website to see the topics of discussion
  4. Explore and learn ahead of the session if you wish.
  5. Add ideas in a concept map format using this Google Slidedeck and finding the topic slide. We will crowdsource our learning ahead of time so we are ready to discuss.

Conversation Agenda

7:00 – 7:10 Introduction and getting organized

7:10 – 7:30 Coffee Conversation #1 – Choose one of the four topics in this section to join and discuss

7:30 – 7:40 Recalibrate whole group and quick break

7:40 – 8:00 Coffee Conversation #2 – Choose one of the four topics in this section to join and discuss

8:00 – 8:30 Bringing it all together full circle with everyone. Exploring how our learning has progressed, new questions, what we want to learn next, etc.

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