When the audience boos you, what are you going to do?

Here we go!

-\-\-\-\-\Read time: 2 minutes Coffeechug Shortnote = Seriously? -\-\-\-\-\

“…to become scientists who see audience reaction as commentary on the joke, not the jokester.”

This is yet another passage from the book Smartcuts. [mybooktable book=”smartcuts-how-hackers-innovators-and-icons-accelerate-success” display=”summary”]

I highlighted this little small passage because this is true for teachers. Teachers need to be the scientists who see audience reaction (students in the classroom) as commentary on the content/teachings, not the teacher.

We have to be professional enough to separate the two. We have to have the professional insight to gauge our audience and adapt. Don’t blame the kids for not learning, but look at your delivery.

What are strategies you have used to gauge your audience reaction and how have you responded? Share a story in the comments.

One great idea I heard was to come back the next day, teach the same concept but with a whole new lesson. Completely attack it again. Students will know or hopefully know that the content is the same. This would be interesting to do.

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