061: FLL, EV3, and More with the Seshan Brothers


In this episode I am so lucky to speak with the Seshan Brothers. These two amazing young men have paved the way for anyone intereseted in learning about robots, coding, EV3, and FIRST LEGO League. They are two young men who are examplars in this day and age of celebrating the power of student voice and agency. Not only have these guys reached ultimate success in FLL by winning the top awards, but they have launched several websites that are used and viewed by hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. A the ripe ages of 15 and 13 they have acccomplished more than most and their digital footprint has paved the way for a very successful future.

Listen to this show to hear how they have begun their journey and where the journey has taken them.

Episode can be found here https://simplecast.com/s/bc1008b9


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Topics We Explore

  1. Who are these two amazing brothers and what are they doing as students making a difference in the lives of many students interested in EV3 and FIRST LEGO League?
  2. How did they get started in their own learning journey to reach the point they have achieved at the ages of 13 adn 15 at the time of the recording.
  3. What is your process when thinking and designing solutions to problems?
  4. What is the structure and learning process to not only learn, but to also document the journey for others to learn?
  5. How do you cope when you hit a wall and cannot figure out a solution to the problem you are facing?
  6. What prompted you to want to share your work with others?
  7. Who do you look up to as mentors?
    1. Ralph Hempel 
    2. JK Brickworks
    3. Marc-Andre Bazergui
  8. Where does someone just starting with EV3 and fLL begin?
  9. How do you balance your school work, websites, tutorials, and EV3 work?
  10. What’s next for you?
  11. What did FIRST LEGO League teach you about yourself?

Show Notes & Quotes

  • It is not the learning progression of one season(that matters), but the learning progression over many years.
  • It is the not the awards we have won with FLL, but the impact we have had helping others from all over the world.
  • You have to keep trying and trying and persevere through the moments when your ideas don’t work.

Find the Seshan Brothers Online





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