#25daysofmaking Project 9 Makey Makey Wire Game

“Sometimes the best way to learn something is by doing it wrong and looking at what you did.”—Neil Gaiman

Dear tinkerers,

Welcome to day 9. As I sit here drinking my mint infused coffee(sounds gross, but it is good!) preparing for this next project, I want to say thank you.

Thank you to those who have joined us on the quest to learn and make and stretch our wings. Thank you to those who are contributing projects. And thank you to those reaching out with some projects being made.

A quick shout out to Amy Anderson for sharing projects from build 5 with the light up literature. I have begun to add projects being shared to this page so please check back often and please share your work!

We hope you enjoy the 9th day of making project.


The 9th project is a good one and comes from Brian Aspinall, author of Code Breaker,  who has shared his project where students will make the classic wire game using some basic tools, Makey Makey, and Scratch. This is a great project for students to make and learn.

As the quote states above this mindset holds very true both in the engineering of the game itself and then testing it out by playing and adjusting things accordingly. With a room full of students I would love to see all the ways in which they design this game.

Now if only I had a free week of no work to be able to simply just make all day everyday so I could get these all done!


Add your project or any other projects you are working on through these options to share how you approached today’s challenge or the one from yesterday. Then, check out and comment on some other examples when they are shared.

Besides using the hashtag #25daysofmaking on Instagram and Twitter I am also posting the projects over on Facebook so you can interact on this platform as well.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to Flipgrid and introduce yourself and/or your students!


This element is important! Don’t neglect reflection on your own learning. We must be lifelong learners and be models to our students.

Take a moment to reflect on your creative process? Create a notebook, use a Google Doc, Evernote, Word Document….. What did you like most about your project? What would you do with it next, if you had more time? What are you planning to do?

Looking forward to hearing your adventures in making

Aaron “Coffeechug” Maurer

P.S. Did you miss the previous days? Check out the site and get caught up. It’s never too late to start!

P.P.S. Want to share that you’re participating? Here’s a #25daysofmaking digital sticker.

Head here to learn more about the project and instructions!


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