[dt_code][/dt_code] I have been working and supporting two amazing elementary educators. These 4th grade teachers decided not to just “survive” these last few weeks of school, but instead have…Read more
Think about this for a minute It is important to be very focused while working. For every minute you waste is time you are not with your family. That is…Read more
I have been doing a lot of work lately to prepare to help educators rethink their tools to help students learn. Without going into great detail about it all I…Read more
This video is designed as more food for thought. Consider creating a fulcrum to have conversation about weight balance, center of gravity, weight distribution, and how you can use these…Read more
Yesterday was an awesome day! As teams from all over the world fly into Houston to compete in either Junior FIRST LEGO League, FIRST LEGO League, FRC, or FTC we…Read more
I am here in Houston for FIRST World Championship. I will be helping out LEGO Education as well as the event as needed. I attended last year and was so…Read more
A bit drastic of a title I suppose, but this has been where I have sat mentally since my last blog post one month ago. I am not sure that…Read more
Something that is developing in many schools which is really exciting are these events where the schools host a STEM night or maybe even a STEM day in their school….Read more
I posted this activity in my latest newsletter, Make Yourself Into A Maker Newsletter: March 2018, but I wanted to be sure everyone had a chance to use it. This is…Read more