Scratch 3.0 vs. Python: Increment a Variable
As I prepare some upcoming workshops around computer science using Raspberry Pi, Micro:bits, and text coding I thought it might be beneficial to showcase a new series comparing Scratch 3.0…Read more
How much privacy are you willing to give up for convenience(big data)?
**This is a post for a class I am taking. I wanted to share here as I think it could lead to good discussion and contains some class discussion lessons…Read more
Scratch vs. Python – Variable Assignments
As I prepare some upcoming workshops around computer science using Raspberry Pi, Micro:bits, and text coding I thought it meight be beneficial to showcase a new series comparing Scratch 3.0…Read more
How can we solve the problems of waste in our local landfills using STEM and design thinking?
Many educators are looking for authentic learning experiences for their students. Many educators want to dive into design thinking/project based learning/hands on immersion experiences, but don’t always know how to…Read more
LEGO EV3 Sumobot Code on EV3 Classroom Platform
There is a new coding platform for LEGO EV3 Mindstorms that is based on Scratch called EV3 Classroom. This is required for Mac users on Catalina and PC’s soon. It…Read more
Purposeful Play with LEGO Course: Step 3 Complex Communication
Welcome to the next set of builds, learning, and fun. Are you ready for some fun while thinking about complex communication? Let’s start with the video and go from there!…Read more
PD Site https://sites.google.com/view/pbl-launch/home Session 2: SDG Link to the 17 goals – https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ Contemporary Global Issues 7th Grade OER Lessons Iowa Middle School OER Lessons #TeachSDGs https://empatico.org/…Read more
Scratch 3.0 + Makey Makey = Simon Says Game and Controller
Below is my four part tutorial series on how I created a Simon Says game using Scratch 3.0 and Makey Makey. I hope it is helpful as you learn on…Read more
Coffeechug Tech Tip – Google Shortcuts To Streamline Life
I meant to post a bit earlier, but here it is. I guess it is a sign that it is a good tip when I am still using all this time…Read more